First Blogg that has a meaning to me
We are living tough times, my motivation is that I am on TEAM HUMMANITY & I would like to contribute with SITES THAT PROVIDE USEFUL INFORMATION that over the years I have corroborated to be truthful. I have been banned from Socialist Media Owned by Bill Gates LinkedIn, my proffessional page destroyed. Who cares when you have to fight for the future of your children, family & friends. This Country is on the verge of becoming the first step SOCIALIST. If we don't fight for hummanity we ALL ARE DOOMED. BIG Pharma, bIG SCHOOLS, BIG Tech, Big Government, Big Hospitals, Big Corporations, Big INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS like the WHO, IMF, CFR, BIS, UNICEF, FDA, CDC +.... NWO ARE WORKING ON DESTROYING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Let's start by understanding WHO IS THE DEEP STATE with Alex Newman:
Deep State Using UN WHO for NWO | Behind the Deep State